Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And then you remember that you started this thing called a blog...

Oops. I have to admit that I sort of forgot (on purpose?) that I had a blog. This is despite various pokes and prods from Lisa. Yeah, I'm just that great at ignoring the obvious.

So. I'm sitting here tonight after a very long week and I thought to myself, hmm, self, have you  updated your blog lately? No!?

To boot, I also realized that I haven't bothered to post this layout either, so I shall do that as well!

It's just an instagram I took of the tracks as I took the LRT home one night from the hospital following Paul's skin graft surgery. I took the train home every day and absolutely loved it. It was quiet and peaceful and just a really nice way to relax.

There's journalling on that red tag. But, lets be honest, I'm waaaay too lazy to pull it out. Seriously. That's been my week!

The circles are a Silhouette Store cut, the kit is Studio Calico - Sock Hop. I also got the Card kit (yes, I've actually made some cards... perhaps I should photograph them!), and an add-on, Bobby Socks.

I'm off to be lazy and watch TV but I will be back this week with a couple more layouts, PROMISE! Plus I have this thing that Miss Lisa wants me to fill out so that's like a post all on its own! Excited? I hope so!


  1. Glad you are back, it has been too long. I think it takes about 6 months to really get into a blogging rhythm, so you could be getting on a roll soon! Fun page - the Silhouette must be a really fun tool to have. Great page - nice pop to it. And I hope Paul is recovered.

  2. HALOOO!!!!!

    This layout is sweet. It seems familiar...did you Instagram it or something? Instagram of an favourite!

    Am still jealous of your Silhouetting. But now I'm getting my very own SC kits so I can't be jealous of that any more! WHEEE!

    Can't wait until you answer my ridonkulous questions...oh my!
